Why did I decide to go vegan? I'm glad you asked...
My daughter Nubian was transitioning from puree to solids when I realized I didn't want to introduce meat. For the past five years I had worked hard to transition from a meaty lifestyle to a plant base lifestyle. Although, I hate what the meat industry and pharmaceutical industry have turned a meat filled life into. I had to give it up. After struggling with uterine fibroids, undergoing a myomectomy and a miscarriage. I came to my senses. The wrong food behavior had cost me thirteen years of suffering physically and mentally. After having surgery there was no relief. I was still in pain. I begin to examine the foods I had grown to love and I found the problem at the root of them. I decided to do something that most women haven't come to the realization that they must do.
Look at the experiences of your female family members. Either you examine your tree and change or remain the same. My mother, aunts, cousins and grandmother experienced fibroids and other womb debilitating dis-eases such as cancer. I grew up watching the women I love undergo painful hysterectomy surgeries. The truth is, we all shared very similar food behaviors. I myself was headed in that direction so I changed my course. Just weeks before I found out I was pregnant for the second time, I had my second myomectomy scheduled. My doctor believed that my fibroids had caused my first pregnancy to fail. We were so afraid. Thankfully everything turned out great and my baby did develop well in a uterus full of more than twenty fibroids. Nubian and I both became vegan in August of 2017. We have enjoyed creating new recipes, joining new forums, groups and interacting with like minded individuals. In doing so, a lot of our family and friends have joined us in modifying and changing their food behaviors.
As a new vegan. I have become conscious about the temple I dwell in and the animals that long for their babies just as I do when my daughter is away from me. After researching and learning about "rape racks" and other unethical practices that are allowed on these "animal slave plantations" I decided to rethink the very foods I had loved all my life. As a breastfeeding mother myself, I couldn't imagine being used to produce milk day after day, when I could no longer make milk being killed and sold for meat. Some may say this is just the way it is. In fact, it isn't. I could go on and on about how in my spirit I feel so much better knowing I don't participate in the killing of animals. To be honest, I really begin to ask the creator of all "God" to reveal truth to me on all levels. It never crossed my mind about where my food came from. It wasn't until I asked that I "received" all that I was looking for.
"The universe bared no ill to me and I was done with baring ill to it". I didn't want to teach my daughter not to think of someone else's suffering even an animal. Once I realized I didn't need them for protein. I knew my life would be forever changed with the right information. Life for me is so different now. I feel better at 37 years old than I did at 17 and 27 years old. The absence of meat in my diet causes me to be less weighted down by the burden of suffering, no uterine fibroid pain/stank-age and painless menstrual cycles. I am forever thankful to God for waking me up. I'm not asking you to agree with my post because everyone's journey to self love is different. I wouldn't have thought in a million years that I would be where I am today. I am forever changed because I didn't have to lose my womb.